Ascendance Idealease provides contract maintenance services to our customers who choose to purchase their own vehicles.
This eliminates vehicle owners of all maintenance responsibilities. If operating trucks is a necessary function to your business, then outsourcing your maintenance is a great option. Plus, your contract maintenance package can be customized to fit your specific business needs.
Benefits Include
Leave Repairs to the Experts
Pass all the maintenance responsibilities on to Ascendance Idealease.
No Tracking
Ascendance Idealease schedules preventive maintenance intervals, tracks repair history, and performs all maintenance for the length of the contract.
Less Expense
Ascendance Idealease already has the latest technological tools – from computer diagnostics to DPF Cleaners.
Designated Service Bays
Your vehicle will be guided to our designated service bays, speeding up the repair process, eliminating costly downtown, and ultimately increasing your bottom line.
Consistent Billing
Costs are fixed from month to month, allowing you to accurately forecast your cash flow and maintenance expenses for extended periods of time.
No Surprises
You control when your trucks are serviced.
Replacement Vehicles
If your vehicle breaks down, you have access to Ascendance Idealease fleet of over 80 rental units.